India Love Project
Advertisement of Tanishq jewelry caused a media storm – the brand was accused of promoting interfaith marriage because in the ad we see a pregnant Hindu woman who is accompanied by a Muslim mother-in-law in preparation for a baby shower. In response to the wave of accusations of spreading the “love jihad”, the India Love Project profile was launched at the end of 2020 to promote interfaith, interclass, international, and other mixed relationships.
In September 2021 the romantic stories presented in the India Love Project met with harsh criticism from activist Jyotsna Siddharth, the author of the Project Anti Caste Love initiative. Criticism has a class context, and Siddharth accuses the authors of the ILP of being one-sided and promoting only middle-class and upper-class relationships, which is motivated by the desire to gain popularity. As she claims:
This page is about growth, learning and gaining criticality to be better partners and comrades. Not just about being in a fake toxic marriage bureau album. This project unlike #Indialoveproject doesn't work for followers and will never do. We will keep doing the work whether or not someone "follow us".